Saturday, November 7, 2009


"I like to make people feel good about themselves. Plus, if I make them feel good they might feel good about me. Really, it's all about me but they don't know that.

I'm generally well liked and fairly popular because most people feel pretty crappy about themselves so they need people like me to help make them feel better. Of course there are those who don't like me - don't care for my compliments and generally run the other way when they see me coming. They're usually the ones who don't need my services because they feel wonderful about themselves already - in fact, a little too wonderful if you ask me."

My Reflection:

What if we all had to tell the truth? What if we couldn't say what we thought someone wanted to hear but rather what we thought was the absolute truth? Would it be a good thing or do you think it would start WW III?

In some ways I think it would be good - once we got over the shock that is. I've often thought that if I knew what people REALLY thought of me I'd never leave the house. Well, that might be the case in the beginning - but after a while, I'd have to adjust and let the truth wash over me in a way that was useful instead of devastating. Plus, I guess I'd be returning the favor wouldn't I? for thought.

Are you a "kisser" or do you liked to be "kissed?"


Unknown said...

Boy, did you ever hit on a subject that I am always working on.......trying to be a better Patti. First of all you need to know what I mean by that........most people who know me and love me, accept me for the way I am. How am I you ask, well, sometimes I come off to blunt in the way I say things. I don't mean for things to sound like they do, I guess its the way I say it or the tone that I give. You say being truthful doesn't have to be bad, but I think people don't want or have he time to figure out how you meant for it to sound......its JUST the way it sounds to them.I feel to many prople don't say it how the want to, they say it just how the other wants to hear it. No one gets hurt that way, accept you because you are not being true to yourself.

Sue Ellen said...

My best friends are the ones who say the truth - who challenge me on issues - who don't just say what I want to hear OR not say anything at all. Although, like you, I think we're all working on the "how" part. How to say something so it doesn't sound rude and insensitive and yet speak the truth. Too bad they don't teach us "how" to say things in school when we're young. That way we could be truthful to others AND to ourselves all at the same time.