Sunday, November 8, 2009


"Wait a minute...just give me a minute would you? if I squeeze my eyes together real tight like this, I can block out all of that other stuff.

Why do I need to look at EVERYTHING? It's not relevant - it has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm looking at and should be "squinted" out as far as I'm concerned. Besides, it's distracting and just confuses me to look at all of that. I'll make my decision based on what this looks like, not on how it looks in relationship to everything else. How dumb is that?"

My Reflection:

Have you ever wanted something so much that you just can't think about it objectively? Like The Squinter, there are times when I can't seem bring myself to look at what I want in relationship to everything else. If I did, I suppose I'd see it for what it is and know it isn't right for me. But, instead I shut out everything else and make up a story to convince myself that it's going to work out just fine. I then end up "buying" it or "saying" it or "going" to it only to realize later on what I should have known in the first place... that it isn't right for me.

Perhaps looking at things in "hindsight" won't be necessary if I keep both eyes open and remember not to squint.

How do you make decisions?

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