Monday, November 16, 2009


"Thinking about things takes a lot of time. First, you have to acknowledge there's something to "think about." Then, you have to go about the "thinking process" in a way that will allow a new idea to break through your consciousness. With each new idea, you have to start the "thinking process" all over again - going over the new idea with a fine tooth comb which helps to generate more new ones.

Obviously, the process takes forever. In fact, it's an indefinite process - and with no end in sight, provides endless hours of thinking and re-thinking issues over and over again.

I hope I've provided you with some "food for thought"...I'm certainly "thinking" about it myself."

My Reflection:

Thoughts can be dangerous. In fact, I think thoughts should come with a warning sign..."think carefully...can be dangerous to your mental stability."

Our minds are powerful tools and can produce thoughts that are used to solve problems that benefit many - but the mind can also be used as a "weapon of mass destruction" - poised to strike at reason and wisdom - or defensively hold on to a strategy we think might be safe.

I've heard that meditation is a great way to "tame" the mind and gain control over the unruly beast. But it's a discipline that requires commitment and perhaps some "faith" that sitting quietly and "not thinking" can produce the kind of mind that is thoughtful not thoughtless - focused not scattered.

Without "thinking too hard" - do you think there is a benefit
to practicing "not thinking?"


Unknown said...

Not thinking means we are dead. I don't think I want to be dead yet. I have alot of "thinking" to do before I die.
Not thinking keeps us from either making a difference or not making a difference and then either of those practices would make us to not find out whether we we right or wrong with what we were thinking.
Excuse me for a minute, I am going to have to think about that.

Sue Ellen said...

Meditating might feel like you're dead which is why it might be hard to meditate. The mind doesn't know what to do if it's not thinking about something. But, have you ever tried to solve a problem or even think of a name and no matter how hard you try, it just won't come? Then, you stop thinking about it and voila...the answer arrives! What's with that?

Unknown said...

I agree!!! Isn't that the craziest thing. The funny part of that is, the answer seems to come at a time that we are doing nothing related to what we qere wondering about.......I still don't get it.