Monday, December 14, 2009


"Frankly, I think you're BOTH nuts but, of course, I won't say this out loud - instead I'll pretend I'm interested in YOUR side of the story then HIS side then YOUR side then HIS side...on and on and on until I think my head will explode.

I wonder what would happen if my head DID explode and all of my REAL thoughts were to hit you in the face? I suppose that would bring the two of your together now wouldn't it?"

My Reflection:

When I find myself in the middle of two people at odds, it's important that I remain neutral in order to help bring about a peaceful solution. But is it really possible to feel "neutral?" And is it MY job to keep the peace - shouldn't I allow people the opportunity to work through their own conflicts?

I'm beginning to learn that I can be much more helpful when I simply listen, acknowledge someone's feelings and wait patiently for them to come to their own place of peace.

How do you feel about conflict?

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