Wednesday, December 9, 2009

THE SHOW & TELLER - 65/365

"It's not as bad as it looks... seriously, it hardly bothers me at all. It was a little painful going in and I got a migraine that lasted a couple of weeks but I barely notice it now.

I was going to get a nose/ lip/eye piercing but I wanted something more dramatic... something that really "shows" who I am and what I'm feeling. Plus, now I don't don't have to waste my time talking - the message is loud and clear."

My Reflection:

Using words to communicate can be difficult at times. I say one thing but really mean another. I don't do it on purpose but once I hear what I'm saying, I realize it doesn't accurately describe what I'm thinking or feeling. Particularly feeling.

I've learned that words can be useful if they are put together in a way that creates a picture of my thoughts and feelings as they pertain to me. Perhaps, the wisdom of experience lies in the ability to paint a word picture of the heart.

What do you say that you don't mean?

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