Thursday, October 8, 2009


“I don’t like this. I don’t like being looked at and judged - it makes me uncomfortable. No one really knows me so why do they make so many assumptions? I know for sure what they're thinking. How do I know? I read minds that’s how. How do I read their minds? Well, I can just tell by looking at their faces."

My Reflection:

Some times the only thing I have to go on is the look on someone’s face, the tone of their voice or perhaps their body language. I pride myself on “reading” people and reading them really well. But do I? All of us have a story to tell but most of us don’t “tell it” - we “wear it” instead. We wear it on our face, body and in the timber of our voice. But that image or sound doesn’t really tell the story - it’s only the introduction. Perhaps the better I am at asking questions, the less I’ll have to rely on assumptions.


What questions do you ask?


Anne said...

As I get older I smile more at faces I don't know to try and lighten the load of this journey we all call daily living. A smile, a kind word, a compliment to complete strangers is my mantra. I hope that is my body language. Now to those who know me - ah, that language can be "Help! My road has some bumps and I need your input here!"
Nice face by the way xxx Anne

Loretta said...

Are you telling us that October 6th is your birthday? That is mine too. If so, happy birthday

Unknown said...

Sometimes I wish I couldn't understand as much as I do about what is going on with other people. Subconsciously I will become a camellion and change myself to make them feel more comfortable and to fit in. Now I'm pretty conscious of it when it's happening. When I use those situations to show compassion rather than stealing the other persons energy I'm much happier. No need to take on the worries, feelings, and emotions of others.